
Hi , my name is Ella. I'm 22 years old , I'm a food lover and photographer with a huge passion nature and animals (my family and I have 7 pets!) . I'm also a journal keeper , you may know me from my instagram account or YouTube channel both of which are under CurlyHairAndDaisies .Why that name? curly hair for obvious reasons! (one of my nicer nicknames was Hagrid after all! oh and also I've been told numerous times that I remind people of Merida from the film Brave both of whom I adore) and Daisies because it's one of my favourite flowers and as said previously , I love nature. 

If you hadn't noticed from my love of journal keeping and photography , I'm big on documentation. I get great enjoyment from documenting my life , I suppose it's also a deep rooted kind of comfort thing that when I'm no longer around there will be various forms of documentation of my existence , morbid? possibly. 

It's been niggling me for a little while.. the idea of starting a blog. I love writing , when I was younger one of my ambitions was to become an author (until a crappy English teacher who hated me destroyed any shred of happiness I had plus my dreams of being an author) maybe slightly dramatic but hey it's true. 
Unfortunately for me , I'm also chronically ill. Last year right before my 22nd birthday I was diagnosed with 2 rare illnesses and 1 super common one (ha). Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (type 3 / hypermobile type) and Undifferentiated Connective Tissue disease which is an auto immune disease meaning my body is attacking itself. FUN! and Fibromyalgia which literally everyone and their dog has. there's also some other health problems that come alongside having those 2 complex diseases and I suspect I'll have additional diagnoses at some point too. #GottaCatchEmAll

So whilst I'm dealing with life , like we all are , I thought keeping a blog would be fun , even if its solely for my own benefit of writing. 

Lastly before this turns into the biggest intro ever , I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd and I have a secret love for Disney , particularly Toy Story and Frozen. 

Thanks for reading x 


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